What’s new in OA & scholarly publishing in Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand
What’s new in OA & scholarly publishing globally
Recent writing & resources on OA
Upcoming events in OA & scholarly publishing
We also say thank you to Dr Danny Kingsley who leaves her role on the Executive Committee after resigning from USC. We appreciate all of her hard work and unrelenting passion for open access. Danny was the first Executive Officer of AOASG, which became Open Access Australasia, and set us in very good stead to become the successful advocacy group we are today.
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What’s new in OA & scholarly publishing in Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand
Conversation on Australia’s science future
Australia’s Science Minister, the Hon Ed Husic MP, has launched a month long consultation process for the National Science and Research Priorities and National Science Statement. The consultation is seeking views on refreshing the priorities for our science system to reflect Australia’s ambitions and challenges. A conversation starter has been provided which sets out the intent and background for this consultation and gives some questions and key considerations for feedback. Open Access Australasia will be making a submission. If any members wish to contribute to the submission please contact us. Submissions close 31 March 2023. Read more.
New data request platform for Australia
The Australian government has launched Dataplace, a new platform where researchers and policy makers can request data from any Australian Government agency, including under the Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022, data sharing scheme. Read more.
QUT policy moves in line with NHMRC
20 years after becoming the first university in the world to have an institution wide OA mandate, QUT has revised its Open Access policy to require researchers to make their refereed research articles and published conference papers to be made “immediately available, with a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) licence”, via its institutional repository QUT ePrints. The move aligns QUT’s Open Access Policy with that of the NHMRC, who recently joined cOAlition S.
Webinar on Open Science
The UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science has become a very important in driving discussions on Open Science international and is one of a number of global open science initiatives. On 30th March CAUL, Open Access Australasia and ARDC will co-host a webinar Open Science in Australia: How can we support key international initiatives. Information and registration here.
What’s new in OA & scholarly publishing globally
The statement came after discussion among EU research ministers earlier this month. The presidency said “Making scholarly publications rapidly accessible to all contributes to high-quality research, Therefore, providing immediate open access to peer-reviewed research publications under open licences should be the default.” Read more.

UNESCO has designed an index for Open Science capacity building connecting people to resources to foster learning about open science and to support teaching open science. Last year a survey was launched to collect content. Browse the index here.
DOAB continues to grow

In 2022 more than 18,000 books were added to the Directory of Open Books. More than 600 publishers are now on the DOAB’s books with 87 new publishers added last year. More than 65,000 academic peer-reviewed books are now available via the platform. Read more.

This May the Declaration on Research Assessment will celebrate its10th Anniversary, with two plenary sessions – one of which is in this time zone – and the opportunity for organisations and other groups to host their own event. Register or propose an event here
Flip to diamond funding @MIT Press

Applications for the 2023 ASAPbio Fellows program is now open for applications. Participants will be given a comprehensive overview of the preprint and preprint review landscape as well as opportunities to explore trends, tools, and the outlook for preprints. They will also work on a preprint project. More info.
Policy paper on digital ownership: Library Futures
US Advocacy group Library Futures (LF) has released a policy policy paper on digital ownership for libraries. The policy follows what LF describes as a dramatic digital shift by book publishers and ebook platforms away from traditional sales toward licensing content. Read more.

The Directory of Open Journals (DOAJ) has issued a warning about a website & Twitter account from an organisation called ‘DOAJ Publications’ or ‘Doaj publisher’. The DOAJ says the company is not affiliated with them and believes it may be being used to deliberately mislead people. Read more.
The report includes activities in 2022, discussions on support for various publishing models and highlights specific initiatives of cOAlition S funders. There is also a preview of plans for 2023. Read here.
The multidisciplinary Preprint Citation Index provides aggregates almost two million preprints from arXiv, bioRxiv, chemRxiv, medRxiv and Preprints.org. Clarivate plans to also add preprints from more repositories and display open peer reviews on the index this year. The preprints are not included in Clarivate’s Web of Science Core Collection. Read more.
A Joint Report about Open Access has been prepared by China Association for Science and Technology and the International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers. Download the report here.
Recent writing & resources on OA
What we’re reading
Librarians Are Finding Thousands Of Books No Longer Protected By Copyright Law – Vice.com by Claire Woodcock
Cultural Heritage Mapping Report: ‘Practices and policies supporting Cultural Heritage image sharing platforms’ – Beth Knazook and Joan Murphy for the Digital Repository of Ireland
What we’re listening to
Scholarship for the Public Good: Paths to Open Access – CUNY Webinar with Peter Suber (Harvard University) Heather Paxson (MIT) Leslie Chan (University of Toronto)
Upcoming events in OA & scholarly publishing
May 16-18 2023 Costa Rica
12-15 June 2023 South Africa
OAI13 Geneva Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication from 4-8 September 2023

OASPA Online Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing 2023
The newsletter archive provides snapshots of key issues throughout the year. Other ways to keep in touch with discussions at Open Access Australasia include joining our community of practice calls.
Please get in touch if you have ideas for the newsletter
or on anything to do with Open Access in Australasia
Newsletter compiled by Sandra Fry and Virginia Barbour, Open Access Australasia.
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Copyright © 2023 Open Access Australasia
Published under a CCBY 4.0 license