Welcome to the Open Access Australasia website

OA101 member-only 4 week online course

open access 101 badge logoOur inaugural (members only) OA101 course ran for 4 weeks from 23 May, 2022. We ran the course in September 2022 and in March 2023.  More than 450 people have undertaken the course now.
The course is a member benefit and is therefore free for anyone at an Open Access Australasia member institution to attend. 
It is targeted at professional staff who want to know more about the basics of Open Access. 
It is designed to be easy to fit in with other work commitments.

The course is all online and runs for 4 weeks, one module per week.

Each module takes approximately 1-2 hours and can be done in participants’ own time.

The interactive content will be live on the Open Access Australasia website behind a login which will be sent to participants ahead of the course starting.

Experienced open access practitioners participating as course tutors run a discussion forum on Slack for the duration of the course. 
Course outline below:
Module A: The Basics
  1. Open access terminology
  2. Open access history
  3. Open repositories and why they are important
  4. Article versions
  5. Full open access vs restricted access journals

Module B: Practical OA

  1. The FAIR and CARE principles
  2. Research Funders
  3. Creative Commons Licenses
  4. Transformative agreements
  5. A Researcher’s Perspective
  6. Publishing Open

Module C: Communicating OA

  1. OA Landscape
  2. Strategies for Open Access Advocacy
  3. Communicating with Content

Module D: OA and Beyond

  1. Communities and groups
  2. Open access controversy
  3. Open access vs open science