Welcome to the Open Access Australasia website

December 2022 Newsletter

What’s in this issue

What’s new in OA & scholarly publishing in Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand
What’s new in OA & scholarly publishing globally
Recent writing & resources on OA
Upcoming events in OA & scholarly publishing

As this extraordinary year in open access begins to wind down we take stock of the year that was.  We’ve welcomed three new members to Open Access Australasia this year, provided advice on OA developments across the region, organised six webinars on a wide variety of topics, coordinated a smorgasbord of talented & passionate advocates for the 2022 Open Access Week and most recently completed the second iteration of our OA101 course after its launch in May this year. Please check our latest blog for a wrap up of Open Access week events and links to the recordings. There have been important policy developments such as the NHMRC’s strengthened Open Access Policy, and MBIE’s new Open Research policy both of which which support equitable & open access to research across Australasia. 

We look forward to working with our members and the wider OA community in 2023. Our office will be closed over the holiday period, retuning to full working the week of the 16th Jan. 

Wishing everyone a safe and peaceful holiday season, however you celebrate it.

For regular news updates, check our Twitter account  

Contributions to the newsletter or the blog, especially notice of upcoming events, are welcome. Contact us here.  

If this newsletter was forwarded to you and you’d like to receive it directly, please sign up.

What’s new in OA & scholarly publishing in Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand

New Open Research policy in Aotearoa New Zealand
The New Zealand Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment, Aotearoa’s largest public research funder, has announced a new Open Research Policy. The policy comes into effect from 1 January 2023 and requires all peer-reviewed articles and conference proceedings arising from MBIE funding to be made open access. The policy comes after the release of a report earlier this year from the Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, Aotearoa New Zealand – The Future is Open: Intern report on Open Access publishing in Aotearoa. Read more about the new policy in this blog “A first step in delivering a courageous vision of Open Research for Aotearoa.

Pacific media coverage of OA week panel
One of our lively and most highly attended panels for OA week Look at the Evidence: Climate Journalism and Open Science (Chaired by Uni of Melbourne & OAA executive member Dimity Flanagan) made the news in the Asia Pacific Report.  The panel of experts in climate journalism included Marc Daalder (Newsroom Wellington), Veronika Meduna (The Conversation & Victoria Uni of Wellington), Dr Shailendra Singh, (Uni of the South Pacific, Asia Pacific Media Network & Pacific Journalism Review) and Dr Jeff Sparrow, (Uni of Melbourne & The Guardian Australia). You can read the whole Asia Pacific Report article here or click on this link to watch the recording of the session.  

Curtin research report on Australian repositories
New research on the role of repositories funded by Curtin University Library has been released in a report: The Role of Australian Institutional Repositories in Sharing Academic Research The library held a webinar during Open Access week to discuss the findings and can be watched here.

CMM on open (but not shut) case for open education resource universities press 
A recent article in the Campus Morning Mail based on Dr Jessica Theil’s PhD thesis looks at how open publishing works in the tertiary research sector and proposes a potential solution to access and use of educational materials.

THE looks at OZ & NZ R&Ps
Times Higher Education blog looks into Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand’s progress on OA policies with NHMRC & MBIE mandating OA, and CAUL organising Read & Publish agreements between the universities and the major publishers. Read the blog here

8000+ articles published OA under CAUL agreements
By the end of August, approximately 8,000 articles had been published  Open Access through CAUL’s Read & Publish agreements.  New read and publish deals have been negotiated for 2023.  All the CAUL Read and publish deals are noted here.


What’s new in OA & scholarly publishing globally


UNESCO Toolkit under construction
The first three of eight guidance documents in the UNESCO Open Science toolkit have been released.  They were developed by the UNESCO Working Groups on Open Science Policy and Policy Instruments to aid the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science. They are:
An online index to the knowledge-sharing platforms on UNESCO Natural Science Sector priority themes (biodiversity, climate change, disaster risk reduction, ocean science, and water) is also under development, and expected to be launched early next year.

UN Library hosted OA for Climate Justice projects webcast
The United Nations Library hosted a virtual event “Open Access for Climate Justice” on 30 November to continue the conversation from  Open Access Week. The webcast  highlighted innovative projects working at the intersection of climate and open research and outlined how members of the climate change and open communities can get involved. SPARC collaborated with the Open Climate Campaign to organise the event. The recording is here.

Leeds initiative aims to democratise knowledge
University of Leeds is creating and championing a bold new initiative, the Knowledge Equity Network to champion open knowledge in higher education; in teaching, research and societal outreach. 

Signatories line up for CoARA’s Agreement 
UKRI, the European University Association & OPERAS have announced they will sign the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment’s Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment. The agreement aims to recognise the diverse outputs, practices and activities that maximise the quality and impact of research for the research, researchers and research organisations assessment. The new vision for the research assessment requires that it will be based primarily on a qualitative judgement for which peer review is central, and supported by responsible use of quantitative indicators. UKRI brings together the UK’s seven disciplinary research councils, Research England, and Innovate UK. The EUA represents more than 850 universities and national rectors’ conferences across Europe. OPERAS is the European Research Infrastructure for the development of open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities.

Creative Commons is 20 years old!
Read about the history here. This jazzy video gives a 60 second snapshot.

New OA publishing group & blog
The Fully OA blog has been launched to provide a platform for collaboration and exchange of ideas between publishers who only publish Open Access content.  Membership of the group is based only on the organisation’s publishing model (Open Access) and is independent of the organisation’s business model, (commercial, or non-profit, or charging APCs).  It evolved from the OASPA Interest Group of Fully OA journal organizations and hopes to bring together a diversity of different voices and perspectives.

100% OA commitment from Royal Society of Chemistry
The Royal Society of Chemistry has committed to making all of its 44 journals open access within the next five years. It’s the first chemistry publisher to commit to such a model.  The society hopes to negotiate new ‘institutional or funder level’ agreements, where institutions pay a flat rate so that their researchers can publish in RSC journals without paying individual article processing charges. Read more.

Invest in Open Infrastructure summit for Funders
In November IOI hosted its first Funders Summit with participants helping to shape the pilot of a collective funding mechanism for open infrastructure. IOI has committed US$100,000 to this pilot, and is seeking additional co-investment and commitment from partners who would like to invest in the open infrastructure necessary for research to thrive. Read more.

Indian flag flying against blue skyIndia pushing for national open access
As part of India’s latest science, technology and innovation policy being developed by its Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser and the Department of Science and Technology, the government is proposing to make scholarly literature accessible for all by negotiating with scientific publishers to set up national subscriptions.  Read more. 

Ireland launches National Action Plan for Open Research

The plan (2022-2030) is aligned with Impact 2030: Ireland’s Research and Innovation Strategy with three broad themes:
Theme 1 – Establishing a culture of open research
Theme 2 – Achieving 100% open access to research publications
Theme 3 – Enabling FAIR research data and other outputs
Read more about the plan here.

Big birthday for ORCID

It’s been 10 years since the registration of the first the ORCID ID and now there are 15 million rORCHID logo and the words, ORDIC connecting research and researchersecords tied to these persistent identifiers for researchers. Read more stories & stats about ORCID here.  Or read ORCID’s new publication ORCID’s First Decade: From Startup to Sustainability 

NASA updates Scientific Information Policy 

NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) has released an important update to its Scientific Information Policy. It requires that:
  • Peer-reviewed publications are made openly available with no embargo period.
  • Research data and software are shared at the time of publication or the end of the funding award. 
  • Mission data are released as soon as possible and unrestricted mission software is developed openly.
  • Science workshops and meetings are held openly to enable broad participation. 
SPARC notes that “While this policy does not serve as NASA’s official response to the OSTP Nelson Memorandum, it is a good indication of what we are likely to ultimately see in NASA’s agency-wide public access plan, which is due out in February 2023.”

ALLEA Statement and Recommendations on Read and Publish deals
European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA)  makes three key recommendations:
  1. Negotiate future deals considering national and EU copyright law.
  2. Move away from the current rights assignment models.
  3. Harmonise EU legislation to allow publication of post-print versions without embargo
Read more


SPARC EU survey of Open education & OER 
The results of the third edition of SPARC Europe’s Survey of European academic libraries on the topic of Open Education (OE) and Open Educational Resources (OER) are now available. The 2022 survey explores what work is being done by academic librarians to implement the UNESCO OER Recommendation  in the three years since its inception in 2019. SPARC plans to use the collected data to organ activities going forward and to provide libraries with Open Education support in the future. Read more.

Investments in Open at USA Unis $$$
A new report from the Association of Research Libraries, US University Member Expenditures Services, Collections, Staff, and Infrastructure in Support of Open Scholarship which investigated spending on open content and infrastructure at 46 libraries found that the total was US$32m with an average expenditure per institution of $785,940, representing an average of 2.26% of the total library budget (ranging from 0.19% to 11.02%).

Recent writing & resources on OA 

What we’re reading

The Quiet Invasion of ‘Big Information’ – Wired article adapted from the new book Data Cartels: The Companies That Control and Monopolize Our Information, by Sarah Lamdan.

The Oligopoly’s Shift to Open Access. How For-Profit Publishers Benefit from Article Processing Charges (Version v2) – Butler, Leigh-Ann, Matthias, Lisa, Simard, Marc-André, Mongeon, Philippe, & Haustein, Stefanie.

How Open Science can revolutionize global knowledge cooperation Stewart, Benjamin & Wulf Reiners in The Current Column 

Wikipedia’s Citations Are Influencing Scholars and Publishers Rachel Helps on The Scholarly Kitchen

The tide is turning. Revisiting the Metric Tide Stephen Curry, Elizabeth Gadd, James Wilsdon in Research Professional News

Explore the first Open Science Indicators dataset—and share your thoughts – PLOS Blog

Upcoming events in OA & scholarly publishing

May 16-18 2023 Costa Rica 


12-15 June 2023 South Africa


OAI13 Geneva Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication from 4-8 September 2023