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Directory of Open Access Journals workshop

The Australian Scholarly Communications Community of Practice

Diamond Open Access Subgroup presents:

A DOAJ Train the Trainer workshop:


Enhancing the visibility of diamond and institutional journals through indexing in DOAJ:

A practical guide


Indexing in the Directory of Open Access Journals gives diamond journals quality assurance and boosts their visibility. Join DOAJ in this webinar for journal editors, librarians and the open access community to hear about DOAJ’s application process and evaluation criteria, and get tips on how to submit a successful application.


Ikhwan Arief

Managing Editor and Ambassador for Indonesia, DOAJ

Ikhwan is a faculty member in the Industrial Engineering Department at Universitas Andalas, Indonesia. He used to manage the university’s library information system, including establishing the online public access catalogue (OPAC) and the repository servers. He is keenly interested in data science, primarily industrial and manufacturing systems research. He has been assisting Indonesian journal managers in their application to DOAJ. He joined DOAJ in 2018 as an ambassador, then became a volunteer editor and joined the DOAJ Team as Managing Editor in 2024.

Joanna Ball

 Managing Director, DOAJ

As Managing Director, Joanna is responsible for ensuring DOAJ fulfils its mission by setting strategic direction, leading advocacy and engagement, and securing the organisation’s sustainability. Before joining DOAJ in 2022, Joanna spent over 25 years in management and leadership roles within research libraries in the UK and Denmark, most recently as Head of Roskilde University Library. She has experience in strategy development, managing cultural change and developing open access services and programmes. She is a member of UKSG’s Insights Editorial Board and is currently Chair of its Board of Trustees.

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